Rashid Iqbal
VP Renewable Energy Engineering
A seasoned technical expert with over 20 years of experience in renewable energy, engineering, and automation sectors. Successfully operating 30+ MW of distributed solar projects for many renowned corporates of Pakistan, efficiently utilizing their rooftop, carport, and ground areas. Currently serving as Technical Lead at PITCO Private Limited, leading renewable energy efficiency projects, resource conservation, and sustainable power generation initiatives, with expertise in solar, green hydrogen, and energy efficiency practices. He has been involved in the implementation of renewable energy efficiency, resource conservation, sustainable production, power generation (conventional sources), governance and administrative reforms, and institutional capacity-building initiatives. With respect to RE, his areas of expertise include a comprehensive understanding of international standards, benchmarks, and best practices; assessment of energy and resource efficiency potential; valuation of contractual arrangements; technology assessment; assessment of financing mechanisms and instruments available for RE projects; policy dialogue for creation of enabling environment (regulatory as well as an investment) along with measures and catalysts for enabling environment. Expertise in market research and assessment for RE&EE initiatives, sustainable development in relation to climate change, RE&EE practices in international contexts, development and implementation of national and regional RE&EE policies, and development of guidelines for governments, utilities, and the manufacturing industry for implementation of RE&EE initiatives. He holds MBA degree from Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan and Bachelor of Electronics Engineering from G.I.K. Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi, Pakistan.