International Finance Corporation (IFC)
PITCO, as a sub-contractor to Development Environergy Services Ltd. (DESL), has been conducting resource efficiency assessments for textile suppliers in Karachi and Lahore under the IFC’s Partnership for Cleaner Textile (PaCT) program (September 2018 – August 2019). The project aims to drive long-term competitiveness and environmental sustainability in the textile wet processing sector by addressing water, energy, and chemical use through best practices.
The services provided included conducting basic and in-depth cleaner production assessments, identifying opportunities for advanced technologies, and developing self-diagnostic tools like PaCT Advantage. Our team assessed energy and water consumption, waste management practices, and developed detailed action plans for implementing proposed interventions. Workshops and training sessions were organized to build capacity and share insights with factory personnel. The project outcomes included significant savings in electricity, steam, natural gas, water, and chemicals, as well as monetary savings and reduced CO2 emissions.