United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
From January 2019 to March 2020, PITCO, in collaboration with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) from India, has been working on the National Certification Scheme for Energy Auditors in Pakistan under the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The project aims to support the implementation of the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2016 by developing a sustainable system for training and certifying energy auditors. The focus is on energy-intensive industries and buildings, contributing to the overall reduction in CO2 emissions and promoting energy efficiency.
The services provided include developing implementation planning and communication documents, notifying designated consumers, and preparing guidelines on the eligibility and accreditation process. Our team revised and finalized draft guidelines, syllabi, and course modules, and developed model question banks for examination processes. A two-week training of trainers (ToT) program was organized and delivered. The project also involved reviewing and finalizing draft regulations to support the implementation roles defined in the National Certification Scheme.