Lucky Cement Limited
From October 2010 to April 2013, PITCO, in collaboration with First Climate AG Zurich Switzerland, worked on an alternate fuel project for Lucky Cement Limited in Karachi, Pakistan. The project involved substituting coal with alternate fuels such as municipal solid waste, biomass, and tire-derived fuel (TDF) in clinker production. This initiative aimed to reduce dependency on coal, lower production costs, and minimize environmental impact.
PITCO’s services included conducting a preliminary assessment, identifying biomass-based energy generation, and preparing the project’s financial feasibility. Our team assessed the financial additionality as per CDM requirements, selected the appropriate CDM methodology, and conducted a detailed biomass fuel supply chain analysis. PITCO also performed laboratory analysis of biomass samples, assessed biomass and municipal solid waste storage facilities, and prepared a biomass assessment study. PITCO developed the CDM PDD, assisted with host country approval, reviewed the Initial Environmental Examination Report, oversaw stakeholder consultations, and provided comprehensive assistance during the validation process. The project aimed to enhance sustainable energy practices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.