Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
From September 2005 to February 2007, PITCO, in collaboration with Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG, conducted a feasibility study for the 100 MW Gabral-Kalam Hydropower Project in Swat, NWFP, Pakistan. The project aimed to assess the technical and economic feasibility of the hydropower plant, including geological, hydrological, and topographical investigations, and assessments of environmental and social impacts.
PITCO’s services included evaluating construction options, preparing a comprehensive feasibility study, and conducting environmental and social impact assessments. Our team assisted in the detailed design of the hydropower plant and carried out economic analyses to determine the project’s viability. The feasibility study provided a detailed assessment of the project’s potential, identifying key challenges and opportunities for the development of the hydropower plant. The project aimed to enhance energy production and support sustainable development in the region.