KfW Development Bank
From November 2020 to August 2021, PITCO has been working on a feasibility study for establishing three Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) hubs in renewable energies in Punjab and KPK, funded by KfW Development Bank. The project aims to provide training facilities that enable trainees to acquire relevant skills and experiences necessary to enter the renewable energy job market. The study focuses on designing and developing the TVET hubs, selecting locations, and analyzing the market demand for renewable energy skills.
PITCO’s services include sector situation analysis, stakeholder and target group analysis, market demand analysis, selection of TVET hub locations, and analysis of key RE industry actors. PITCO also designed the TVET hubs, including facilities, equipment, teaching material, occupational profiles, distant learning integration, training certificates, staffing requirements, and financial sustainability. The study also involved overall project design, impact hypothesis, institutional setup, implementation modality, cost and financing plan, risks and mitigation measures, and environmental and social impacts