British American Tobacco (BAT)
From April 2022 to May 2022, PITCO conducted a pre-feasibility study for Pakistan Tobacco Company’s Akora Khattak Factory to assess the viability of installing a biomass boiler. The project aimed to replace existing natural gas boilers with biomass-based ones to reduce the company’s GHG footprint. The study included an in-depth assessment of baseline and projected energy demand and supply, evaluation of biomass residue availability, and determination of a suitable fuel mix for the biomass boiler.
PITCO’s services involved technical and financial evaluations of various biomass boiler operation modes and providing recommendations for a Go/No-Go decision. PITCO collected data on boiler technical parameters, steam generation and consumption, power data, biomass availability, and pricing. Our team also analyzed boiler arrangements, transportation modes, CAPEX and OPEX, and conducted a cost-benefit analysis. The study aimed to enable Pakistan Tobacco Company to make informed decisions regarding biomass boiler installation and operation.