Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
From June 2007 to July 2008, PITCO, in collaboration with Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG, served as the Owners’ Engineer for the detailed design and tender document preparation of the 106 MW Golen Gol Hydropower Project in Chitral Town, NWFP, Pakistan. The project was financed by the Kuwait Development Fund and the Saudi Development Fund. The objective was to carry out detailed design and prepare tender documents and specifications for the hydropower project, ensuring technical and financial feasibility.
PITCO’s services included assisting in the detailed design of the hydropower plant, preparing specifications, and developing comprehensive tender documents. The project involved various design elements such as geological, hydrological, and topographical investigations, and assessments of environmental and social impacts. Our team also provided assistance in preparing construction drawings and developing technical specifications. The detailed design and tender documents were crucial for the successful implementation of the hydropower project, ensuring compliance with international standards and best practices.