Nishat Chunian Electric Company Limited
From May 2020 to May 2020, PITCO provided consultancy services to Nishat Chunian Electric Company Limited in Pattoki, Pakistan, for their 46 MW Coal-Fired Power Plant (CFPP). The project focused on conducting a root cause analysis of the third-time breakage of the nut-bolt assembly at the high-speed coupling. The objective was to determine the causes of recent breakage/shearing of LEF washers and investigate associated components as required. The consultancy aimed to provide recommendations to prevent such incidents in the future.
The services included an inception meeting with the client, data review, comparison of OEM designs with best engineering practices, and participation in meetings between the client and the contractor. PITCO reviewed all tasks performed by the contractor, including diagnostic reports, measurements, root cause analysis, and recommendations. Our team ensured the implementation of good engineering practices, tracked the schedule, and reviewed the final report provided by the contractor.