From February 2021 to December 2021, PITCO has been conducting Cleaner Production (CP) assessments at Crescent Bahuman Limited (CBL) in Lahore, Pakistan. The project, funded by Levi’s, aims to identify opportunities to invest in advanced technologies and adopt global best practices in the operation process and environmental performance. The in-depth CP assessment focuses on developing an effective and continuous management system for water, energy, and chemicals. The project includes assessing current usage of water, energy, chemicals, and wastewater discharge in the factory, identifying saving opportunities for more efficient delivery, and developing investment plans to reduce consumption and improve effluent and water treatment performance.
The services provided by PITCO include pre-assessment questionnaires, on-site energy consumption assessments, chemical use calculations, and waste management evaluations. Our team organized workshops to train factory personnel on CP methodology and conducted baseline assessments and on-spot testing for performance indicators. A CP team was formed in each factory, and detailed energy and water assessment reports were prepared. The project also involves providing implementation support and conducting final diagnoses to assess improvements achieved.