World Bank Group (WBG)
PITCO provided technical assistance to develop the capacity of the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) from January 2020 to March 2021 under the World Bank Group’s funding. The project focused on enhancing NEECA’s ability to coordinate and support energy efficiency initiatives across Pakistan. The assistance covered six key disciplines: Technical, Policy and Research, Legal, IT & Media, Financial, and Human Resource.
The project services included conducting an institutional analysis, developing a comprehensive capacity-building program, and providing detailed recommendations for each discipline. Our team suggested goals and performance parameters, facilitated the establishment of energy efficiency standards and labeling regimes, and provided legal advisory services. PITCO also assisted in web development, media outreach, and human resource structuring. The final deliverables included an organogram for NEECA, job descriptions, salary analysis, and an appraisal system to ensure effective implementation of the NEEC policy and provincial action plans.