United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Under the USAID-funded Power Distribution Program, PITCO, as a subcontractor to International Resources Group, provided technical assistance to PESCO from October 2012 to September 2015. The project aimed to install Arial Bundled Conductor (ABC) and reconnect service drops of existing energy meters to newly installed ABC across Pakistan (excluding Karachi). This initiative was part of a larger effort to improve the financial, commercial, and technical standing of the nine government-owned electric power distribution companies (DISCOs).
The services included identifying locations for ABC installation, conducting surveys and GIS mapping, preparing staking sheets, planning work schedules, and constructing units as per drawings. Our team ensured proper sagging and tying of all-insulated ABC, conducted electrical connections, and measured transformer loads to determine balance. PITCO also supervised the installation, commissioning, and testing of the complete system, ensuring the project’s successful implementation.